Abraham Lincoln Quote

"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Final Blogger Question!!

My initial storyboards were difficult to create due to the fact that I was unable to access the templet that I wanted to use for my site. I was able to include all of the content that I initially intended to but was limited when it came to the images especially the left border image that would replace the existing template photo.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Website comparison

The two progrmas I used to develope my website were very different. Although the content remains the same in both programs the appearance of each site is very different.

Expression Web was a somewhat difficult program to learn. There are soo many options that you can choose from in Expression Web which can be confusing but can also allow for maximum creativity. The templets are definately a down side to the program as they are difficult to edit and appear boring compared to those available for use in other programs.

The most difficulty I had with Expression Web was replacing the templet images with my own images.

Creating my website in Webs was very different. I found the templets to be professional, attractive and a much larger variety to choose from as compared to Expressions. The most difficult task I found in Webs was creating links and adding videos additionally, I had to change my content layout and the images that I used.

Both Expression Web and the Webs programs allowed me to create a decent looking website, while each had it's advantages and disadvantages, I would have to choose Webs as the friendlier program for  a beginning designer.

Web Design Reflection

The past seven weeks have flown by! I can harly believe the amount of material that was covered in the short amount of time! I have gained a basic understanding of many programs and devices including:
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • html coding
  • Expression Web
  • flash drive usage
  • how to design a web site following the C.R.A.P. principles
  • Webs
  • Wordle
  • Blogger
I am certain as I move forward both personally and professionally that the material covered in this course will be revisited at some point and I will be ready when it does!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Question #3, Week #5

After reviewing Webnode, Weebly, Wix and Webs I will most likely use Webs for my website project. Even though this site will include small ads on my pages I like the templets they offer the best over the other sites and also feel it is the most user friendly.

Question #2-Writing for the Web

Writing for the web is very different from writing for print because of the way viewers read a webpage. Studies have proven that we read webpages much differently than we read traditional print. Viewers tend to scan a page in an "F" shape or similar pattern, never reading the entire content. Below are some tips for getting your information across in a webpage.
  • The first two paragraphs must contain the most important information
  • Start subheads, paragraphs, and bullets with action words viewers will notice when they scan the left side of the webpage.
  • Be brief and get to the point quickly
  • Leave out the feel good fluff, viewers aren't interested
  • Include photos when possible
  • Always proofread your work


The purpose of using storyboards is to provide yourself with a useful guide for developing your website. The use of a storyboard will help to keep information organized and will prove to be very efficient when writing in this non-linear fashion.

The use of a storyboard will definately help me with my final project as I can do the planning aspect of my website separately from the design aspect which will allow me to give my full attention to each task individually and then integrate the two into a successful website.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Additional comments week#4

I learned alot from chapter 3 of the Non-Designer's Web Book. I especially appreciated the understanding of the use of frames in a web page. Frames can be a great addition to a webpage when they are used correctly. On the other hand frames can destroy a webpage by making it look unprofessional and cluttered.