Abraham Lincoln Quote

"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." Abraham Lincoln

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Question #2-Writing for the Web

Writing for the web is very different from writing for print because of the way viewers read a webpage. Studies have proven that we read webpages much differently than we read traditional print. Viewers tend to scan a page in an "F" shape or similar pattern, never reading the entire content. Below are some tips for getting your information across in a webpage.
  • The first two paragraphs must contain the most important information
  • Start subheads, paragraphs, and bullets with action words viewers will notice when they scan the left side of the webpage.
  • Be brief and get to the point quickly
  • Leave out the feel good fluff, viewers aren't interested
  • Include photos when possible
  • Always proofread your work

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