Abraham Lincoln Quote

"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." Abraham Lincoln

Monday, January 23, 2012

Additional Comments for week#3

I enjoyed reading the article on the Albright Library page about the way in which we read web pages versus print. Print is read in an organized predetermined manner cover to cover from left to right, with each relevant piece in the correct order. Through print we can easily convey all the information we want our readers to know and the order in which we want them to get it. Relaying information on the web is much more difficult.

It has been proven that long lines of text are much harder to read on the screen than in print. As a result web page visitors will scan a page and pick and choose which information they want to read and in what order, making it difficult to be certain viewers obtain all the information we would like them to have.

It is our job as web designers to subtly suggest to viewers where to go next within our site and to ensure they are comfortable with where they are going and how they will get back in order for them to have the web page experience we would like them to.

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