Abraham Lincoln Quote

"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." Abraham Lincoln

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Graphic design is everywhere!

Our everyday lives are full of examples of graphic design in print and on the web. Through graphic design businesses influence our decisions as to what we eat, drive, and wear. Graphic design can even change the way we think often times without us even realizing it.

Anytime you sign onto the World Wide Web you are exposed to websites that are examples of graphic design. The purpose of these sites are to inform, persuade, or sell a product or service. The better the design the greater the likelihood that we will respond in the way the desinger intented.

Print versions of graphic design are composed with the same intentions as web versions but are very different. These tangible designs are also everywhere we look such as the cover of our favorite novel, the business cards we carry in our wallets and use as makeshift bookmarks to the billboards we pass everyday on our way to work.

A world without graphic design would be bare for sure!

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