Abraham Lincoln Quote

"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Readability vs. Legibility

Before reading this weeks chapters I considered readability and legibility to be the same thing. However, I have discovered that this isn't true.

Readability refers to the ease at which a reader can recognize a lot of text such as in a novel. The font of text that is most readable for large amounts of text in print is Serif.

Legibility refers to the ease at which a reader can recognize short bits of text such as a title or sign. Sans Serif text is the most legible text on the screen and in print. On the web Sans Serif can be more readable depending on the monitor's resolution.

Some things to keep in mind are:

1. Contrast of background and text, make sure it is great enough to be clear such as black and white.

2. Text size is also important, too big or too small is difficult to read.

3. Avoid long lines of text, don't type across the entire screen, it looks very unappealing and is harder to read.

4. Reserve cap and bold text for only necessary words and use them sparingly.
Although readability and legibility are not the same, they are both equally imortant and should be considered when creating any type of print.

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