Abraham Lincoln Quote

"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." Abraham Lincoln

Monday, January 9, 2012

"I think I can, I think I can"

After completing my first week of web design I am optimistic and excited to attain a basic understanding of the graphic design process. One very useful acronym to assist in the design process and analysis is CRAP which stands for contrast, repitition, alignment, and proximity.

The first element contrast, refers to contrasting images, lines, colors or even text. Contrast in a graphic design  makes it more interesting and eye pleasing.

Repition is the second element and is referring to a repeating theme or design throughout an entire piece. Examples can be bullets, fonts, colors, etc. This element holds the design together and allows a viewer to become familiar with a design which makes it easier to view.

The third element is alignment. Proper alignment of text and graphics on a page give the page a professional appearance and makes it easier to view. The three types of alignment are left , center , and right.

Proximity is the final of the four basic elements to keep in mind when analyzing or attempting graphic design. Proximity refers to spacing or grouping of related items in a design. Keeping similar items together helps keep a page organized and makes it easier to read.

I think if I can keep the CRAP acronym in mind I will be in good shape.

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